How to Get Free College Tuition Assistance

As many of us know college is a huge expense. Some of you might still have babies in diapers while others are trying to make the FAFSA deadline coming up in March.  By the way, if you need help with filling it out, some cities hold workshops to assist you.  But wait there’s more!  I want to let you know about programs that offer free college tuition!

California programs

These college assistance plans fall under what is considered the  “Promise” program. These are funds that a) go to particular students in the community or b) only require you to be a state resident.  At the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, you can see a list of eligible community colleges and apply.  When I last checked there were 35 schools including Orange Coast College, Irvine Valley, Mount St. Antonio, and Coastline College.  If you don’t see your student’s preferred college listed then reach out to their financial aid office.  They will let you know how to find out about any specialized tuition offers they might have.

Case in point, one I found that was not on the list but that offers college assistance is a school in San Diego County in the City of San Marcos called Palomar College.  It is offering a fantastic opportunity with what they call the Palomar Promise Award.  It grants one year of free tuition, textbook assistance, access to specialized academic planning, and possible aid to transfer to Cal State San Marcos.  It was once only open to students who lived in the City of San Marcos when it first launched in 2017.  However, it has just recently expanded its eligibility to any first-time college student who lives in the state of California. There are other benefits and qualifications so I encourage you to check it out and see if your college-bound student can qualify.

I also discovered a city that is offering assistance to any California community college.  What’s the catch? Your student must have lived in the City of Ontario for at least two years prior to high school graduation. I know, I know, you might live somewhere else but perhaps you know of somebody who fits the criterion or you share joint custody with a parent/guardian who lives in Ontario.  If so, you can learn more at and please make sure to share this post.

In Summary

I know how expensive college can be.  I graduated with thousands of dollars in debt for my Bachelors of Science and I’m currently in the midst of helping pay for my awesome stepdaughter’s undergraduate degree.  I also understand that community college isn’t for everyone.  However, I will tell you this…I heard a stat that 71% of college grads have student loan debt.  15% of them are still paying the loans off at the age of fifty!  If community college can help alleviate that burden, then I’m all for learning how to get assistance from programs like these.

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